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ESC bridges the communication gap between workshop and management teams

Hamworthy Pumps Singapore implements ESC’s Hazard Identification and Incident Reporting software across its sites in Singapore and the U.K.

Hamworthy Pumps will install the óff the shelf’ platform to ensure that any hazards and incidents in their workshops are promptly and efficiently dealt with.

Shop-floor staff absolutely love BlueKanGo's real-time notifications and trigger functions – they can use their devices to report any incidents and even escalate straight to the top management. BlueKanGo software bridges the communication gap between workshop and management teams and takes away the pain of paper-based systems facilitating a faster and more targeted response to potentially unsafe situations, at the click of a button.


Learn more about our Quality and EHS Management software. Sign up for a free online presentation!


Talking On Walkie-Talkie

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